Friday, December 5, 2014

Poll statistics from Asus router RT-N14UH through http and plot in mrtg

If you have Asus router model RT-N14UHP, you should probably read on. This is a pretty decent router capable for a lot of feature including supporting qos and ipv6. It's pretty odd somehow this router does not come preinstall with net-snmp package. For your information, snmp allow a device to be poll for statistics collection purposes.


I have been requesting to poll statistics from the router using snmp from asus support some time around September 2014. The response I got is the development has taken this request however there is no guarantee when it would be made available. I have taken a deeper look into if the router support net-snmp. Google around and check if someone has similar problem and done it before unfortunately there is none as of this writing. There are a few come closer, this and this. The idea is to make the router by mounting an USB disk and then router will install ipkg (a package manager for the router). By using ipkg, you can install package net-snmp however, the package will be install on the mounted USB drive rather than the router itself. That's a pity if usb disk is unmounted, then thing will not work. Example of command below:
user@RT-N14UHP:/asusware# ipkg install net-snmp
Installing net-snmp ( to /opt/...
Configuring net-snmp
Successfully terminated.

user@RT-N14UHP:/asusware# net-snmp yes
Restarting the package...

Today, we will try differently. We will poll statistics from the router through http and then plot the graph using the well known software, mrtg. MRTG by default poll device for statistics using snmp. However, it also allow data collection using script, that's something very nifty! Let's start by installing this package in the client.
$ sudo apt-get install mrtg apache2

The package apache is for you to access the graph via browser. There should a cron running every five minute, /etc/cron.d/mrtg . So statistics will always be poll and graph will always be generate and update. Configuration for apache2 and where mrtg is accessible from web is left an exercises for you. (Hint : apache by default place in /var/www).

Create a script that will poll statistics from the router. Below is the script and you can download this bash script, and place it in /bin/

There are a few configuration you need to change. The obvious is the router IP. This router has IP, so change to your router IP. hwaddr is the hardware address of eth0 in your router. To get hwaddr from your router, you need to enable telnet from the router web graphic user interface and then login from command line. Then issue the command such as below.
user@RT-N14UHP:/tmp/home/root# ip addr show eth0
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,10000> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 40:40:40:40:40:40 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet6 fe80::1234:1234:1234:1234/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

the value for field link/ether will be the value for hwaddr in the url. To get the value of http_id, issue the command such as below in the router terminal.
admin@RT-N14UHP:/www# nvram get http_id

Then install firefox live http header plugin and then start it, when the browser is pointed to router url and successfully logged in, then a line such as below should be identified. Use the string after Basic and fill into the url.
Authorization: Basic YGG3333d3BjMTQ5PPP=

With all these changed, the script is good to go. Next, we will configure mrtg configuration file.
### Global Config Options

#  for Debian
WorkDir: /var/www/router

### Global Defaults

#  to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
# Options[_]: growright, bits
Options[_]: growright

EnableIPv6: no

Target[router-to-inet_1]: `/bin/`
MaxBytes[router-to-inet_1]: 700000
Title[router-to-inet_1]: Network traffic between router and internet
PageTop[router-to-inet_1]: <h1>Network traffic between router and internet</h1>

It's a pretty simple configuration file and you can place it in /etc/mrtg.conf. The one that need some explanation, probably is This is actually the script that generated the statistics from the router. The script is placed in /bin and you can place anywhere as long as mrtg has the permission to execute this file. Note that the script you amended previously is actually get used by mrtg here. For the parameter in the configuration file, you can find more explanation here.

Now in the terminal, executed this script,
user@localhost:~# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg
2014-10-22 20:26:54, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup could not read the primary log file for router-to-inet_1
2014-10-22 20:26:54, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup The backup log file for router-to-inet_1 was invalid as well
2014-10-22 20:26:54, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup Can't rename router-to-inet_1.log to router-to-inet_1.old updating log file
user@localhost:~# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg

Don't know why there is error, it is probably initialization but next command execution should finish without any error. Now check in web server, directory, by default in debian for mrtg, it is in
user@localhost:/var/www/router$ ls
mrtg-l.png  mrtg-r.png        router-to-inet_1.html  router-to-inet_1-month.png  router-to-inet_1-week.png
mrtg-m.png  router-to-inet_1-day.png  router-to-inet_1.log   router-to-inet_1.old  router-to-inet_1-year.png

A few files should have been generated. That's good. When you installed package mrtg, a cron should installed by default at /etc/cron.d/mrtg. Take a look at the following:
*/5 * * * * root if [ -x /usr/bin/mrtg ] && [ -r /etc/mrtg.cfg ] && [ -d "$(grep '^[[:space:]]*[^#]*[[:space:]]*WorkDir' /etc/mrtg.cfg | awk '{ print $NF }')" ]; then mkdir -p /var/log/mrtg ; env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log ; fi

So every five minute, the statistics will get collected. If you do not have this, just make a cron file. That's it, now point your browser to the web server url, example for mine,


I hope you find it useful for you too.

UPDATE : You can also find the source file here,

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Investigate into why key cache in apache cassandra 1.0.8 gets reduced

Today, we will investigate into apache cassandra 1.0.8 when and why it reduce configured key cache. If you run the command nodetool cfstats. One of the statistics would probably interest you. I paste the snippet below.
Key cache capacity: 200000
Key cache size: 200000
Key cache hit rate: 0.9655797101449275
Row cache: disabled

After cassandra instance has been running for sometime, and you start to notice that the key cache capacity has gone down.
Key cache capacity: 150000
Key cache size: 150000
Key cache hit rate: 0.962251615630851
Row cache: disabled

As seen above, the initial capacity for this column family has 20,000 total key for cache. Currently, all object (that is 20,000) occupied fully in the key cache assigned. The hit rate is 96% which is very good statistics. So after a while, what had happened and why was it reduce? Let's investigate into the log file.
 WARN [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-02-02 00:46:46,384 (line 187) Reducing MyColumnFamily KeyCache capacity from 200000 to 150000 to reduce memory pressure

Apparently memory is not enough at this point of time and the key cache is reduced to free up more memory for the cassandra instance. Let's look at the cassandra yaml file if there is any description for the key cache.
# emergency pressure valve #2: the first time heap usage after a full
# (CMS) garbage collection is above this fraction of the max,
# Cassandra will reduce cache maximum _capacity_ to the given fraction
# of the current _size_. Should usually be set substantially above
# flush_largest_memtables_at, since that will have less long-term
# impact on the system.
# Set to 1.0 to disable. Setting this lower than
# CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction is not likely to be useful.
reduce_cache_sizes_at: 0.85
reduce_cache_capacity_to: 0.6

There are two configurations that reduce the cache size. When memory heap usage at 85%, key cache is reduced to 60% of its initial value. So now we dive deeper into the code to see what happened. Let's read into class GCInspector.
double usage = (double) memoryUsed / memoryMax;

if (memoryUsed > DatabaseDescriptor.getReduceCacheSizesAt() * memoryMax && !cacheSizesReduced)
cacheSizesReduced = true;
logger.warn("Heap is " + usage + " full. You may need to reduce memtable and/or cache sizes. Cassandra is now reducing cache sizes to free up memory. Adjust reduce_cache_sizes_at threshold in cassandra.yaml if you don't want Cassandra to do this automatically");

When memory used is greater than reduce_cache_sizes_at (configured in cassanra.yaml, value at 0.85) multiply maximum memory in the heap and cache has not been reduced before. For example, if jvm is assigned with 8GB of heap, so the if statement evaluation become valid under such arithmetic, memory usage greater than 6.8GB when cache size has not been reduced before.

When the condition become true, StorageService will start to reduce cache size. A simple for loop over all column families to reduce the cache size. As seen here, there are two caches are being reduced. The rowcache and the keycache. Because we did not enable row cache and also not a focus on this study, I'll leave as an exercise for you. The investigation continue on the keyCache.reduceCacheSize();. As the snippet of code below shown.
public void reduceCacheSize()
if (getCapacity() > 0)
int newCapacity = (int) (DatabaseDescriptor.getReduceCacheCapacityTo() * size());
logger.warn(String.format("Reducing %s %s capacity from %d to %s to reduce memory pressure",
cfName, cacheType, getCapacity(), newCapacity));

So if the capacity is initially assigned to a value larger than 0, then a new capacity is set. The new capacity is such that, reduce_cache_capacity_to (default at cassandra yaml, 0.60) multiply with the current size of the cache. For example, if the cache is occupied at 20000 x 0.60, the new value will be the new cache capacity at 12000.

This wrap up the investigation. Final thought, because the memory consumption is exceed certain amount of threshold, this emergency pressure valve kicked in. To fix immediate, an increase heap for cassandra instance will solve, but the correct would probably reduce node load or increase node for the cluster. When cache capacity is reduced, expect read become slower too and in data storage perspective, speed and performance is everything and reduced cache is definitely an impact to the cluster.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Gnome goodies: How to set gnome-screenshot default saved directory. How to add network speed applet on gnome panel.

This is another gnome3 applet howto blog. The reason pretty much stated in the previous blog. Read it here. So today, we will configured two more applets.

How to set gnome-screenshot default saved directory

When you pressed the 'Print Screen' button on your keyboard, you start to wondering where has the screenshot saved to by gnome-screenshot. The configuration in in dconf-editor no longer seem to take effect. See the screenshot below. No matter what value you configured, the value just won't take effect if you print screen.


Apparently there is a change in gnome3. Let's see the keyboard shortcuts in gnome-control-center. See screenshot below, apparently all screen shots are saved to Pictures. You can change the shortcut here but can you change where it saved to?


To do that, you need to change the value in a configuration file in $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs . Hence, XDG_PICTURES_DIR="$HOME/Pictures" always point to user home directory and a folder called Pictures. You can change the value in this configuration file or you can change using xdg-user-dirs-update command. I choose the latter.
user@localhost:~$ xdg-user-dirs-update --set PICTURES "$HOME/myScreenShot"

Logout and login again to the gnome environment. Now when you print screen, the screenshot will saved to $HOME/myScreenShot. :-)


How to add network speed applet on gnome panel.

For some reason, there is no network applet for gnome3 in debian repository. Not sure what was the reason but hey, we are not going to pursue the why and why not. Rather, I find an alternative gnome3 network applet from ubuntu. There are some network applets and I will list them down unfortunately not all of them work. At least not at the time this blog is written. But I suggest you revisit this network applet, someone nice out there might put efforts to include it into debian repository.

As you can read, there are many network applets listed above and it could be at this point of time, someone else written one for debian too. So choose whichever one suit you best but today, we are going to install the package indicator-multiload from ubuntu repository.

So get the package from the repository and install. You can visit this link. Pick the latest version and at this time of writing, I'm using version 0.5-0~131~31~25~ubuntu14.10.1. To install, run the command $ sudo dpkg -i indicator-multiload_0.5-0~131~31~25~ubuntu14.10.1_amd64.deb . If there is any unsatisfying dependency, you can apt-get install the dependency. My system does not have libappindicator3-1 installed, so I installed using command $ sudo apt-get install libappindicator3-1 . Repeat the same steps for any library that is required by indicator-multiload.

Then launch dconf-editor and go to the entry de->mh21->indicator-multiload->general . If the property autostart is not check, then check it. See screenshot below.


It's such a pity, this applet is not showing on the top gnome panel. Rather, it is hidden under message tray. You can bring up the message tray by pointing mouse cursor on bottom right and click or using keyboard shortcut key super+m. See screenshot below, it show statistics of cpu, mem, net (the one we want in this howto), swap, load and disk.


There is a nice gnome extension known as TopIcons where it will place legacy tray icons on top panel. Unfortunately, it does not work for me. I have download the master version at of this writing, according to description, it mentioned it support gnome version 3.14. I extracted the zip to /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/topicons-master. User logout and login, reboot unfortunately it does not work. If you know how to get it to work, please leave a comment below.

Thank you and that's it. Happy gnome-ing. :)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Gnome goodies: How to sort directory and then file. How to enable weather in the gnome panel

Today we will take a look at two gnome3 applets. I used to have these settings back in gnome and gnome2 and I think this is a very nice goody that should remain in gnome3.

How to sort directory and then file

In gnome3, file and folders are mixed, that's if the folder is sort by modification dates. See example screenshot below.


Well, for personal preference would be, folders are group first and then with normal files. See example screenshot below.


In order to achieve this behaviour, gnome configuration need to be alter. Launch dconf-editor in the command line and navigate in such a fashion. Go to org -> gnome -> nautilus -> preferences . Then check sort-directories-first. See screenshot below. Easy :)



How to enable weather in the gnome panel

During gnome2, it is as easy as adding a location and in the drop down of the date/time applet. See screenshot below.


However, thing get changed in gnome3. Date/time applet no longer showing weather information. There is an alternative, gnome-shell-extension-weather package add weather information to the gnome panel. See screenshot below.


To install this extension, it is as easy as apt-get install gnome-shell-extension-weather

To enable gnome-shell-extension-weather in the gnome panel, you need to enable it. To enable, launch gnome-shell-extension-prefs from the command line and then search for OpenWeather and flip the switch to on position. See screenshot below.


Now the weather information should shown in the gnome panel! Start adding more places of interest in the applet! :)

To end this article, try to add places of interest in the weather applet :) I will leave this as an exercise for you.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Implementing DNSSEC and DANE for email - Step by step

Note, this article is written and contributed by a good friend gryphius, so all credit goes to him. I'm just copy and paste his awesome work here. :-)

After various breaches at the certificate authorities it has become clear that we need a way to authenticate a server certificate without the need to trust a third party. “DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities“ (DANE) makes this possible by publishing the certificate in the DNS. Find more information about DANE here.

In this tutorial we show an example implementation of DANE for email delivery.

What you need

  • a DNSSEC capable nameserver (in this example: powerdns)
  • a DNSSEC capable registrar  (in this example:
  • a mail server with TLS Support (in this example: postfix )
  • to test the secured email delivery: a second mailserver with DANE support ( postfix >=2.11, DNSSEC capable resolver )
We start off with a postfix server already configured to accept mail for our domain, but no TLS support so far. Let’s add this now by generating a self-signed certificate:
in this state, a sending server can encrypt the transmission, but it can not verify the self-signed server certificate, so it  will treat the TLS connection as anonymous:
postfix/smtp[13330]: Anonymous TLS connection established to[...]:25: TLSv1.2 with cipher AECDH-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
In order to enable DANE support, our domain’s DNS zone must be secured with DNSSEC. Our example domain is hosted on a powerdns authoritative server securing a zone on a current powerdns is pretty easy:

The key from the last command must be copied to the registrar. At the form to add a DNSSEC key looks like this:


Once the key is added and synchronized on the registry’s DNS servers, you can test DNSSEC funconality at

Now, back on the mailserver hosting our domain we have to create a hash of the SSL-certificate:

Using this value  we can add the DANE TLSA record for our mailserver in the DNS zone:

In powerdns, add a record: (replace with your real mx hostname)
Content3 0 1 02059728e52f9a58a235584e1ed70bd2b51a44024452ec2ba0166e8fb1d1d32b

the “3 0 1” means: “we took a full domain-issued certificate, and created a sha256 hash of it”. For other possible values see RFC6698 section 7.2 – 7.4.

Now we can test the new DANE TLSA records at

And finally, let’s test it from another postfix box. For this to work, the sending server must use a DNSSEC resolver (for example unbound) and postfix >=2.11 with DANE enabled:

and voilĂ , our connection is now verified even though we’re using a self-signed certificate:

postfix/smtp[17787]: Verified TLS connection established to[...]:25: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)


Sunday, November 9, 2014

gnome-clocks alternative to gnome2 world timezone map

During gnome2 time, I like the world map where it show the earth timezone information. Take a look at the below screenshot. It shown the part of earth on day and part of earth on night. Then you can see the countries weather information like temperature, wind speed, sunrise and sunset.


In gnome3, however, all these information are lost. I don't know why upgrade to gnome3, it became a detrimental step. A lot of useful information applets get lost. Not only a lot of useful applets got lost, the window animation constantly keep the cpu busy and application response sometime get slow. Something to ponder if I should choose different window manager.

Anyway, in the meantime, let's take a look at alternative to gnome2 world timezone country information. I google and found out gnome-clocks.

Simple GNOME app with stopwatch, timer, and world clock support GNOME Clocks is a simple application to show the time and date in multiple locations and set alarms or timers. A stopwatch is also included.
user@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install gnome-clocks
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it.
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 691 not upgraded.
Need to get 326 kB of archives.
After this operation, 1,193 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 unstable/main gnome-clocks amd64 3.14.0-1 [326 kB]
Fetched 326 kB in 4s (66.8 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package gnome-clocks.
(Reading database ... 320953 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../gnome-clocks_3.14.0-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gnome-clocks (3.14.0-1) ...
Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0:i386 (2.42.0-2) ...
Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0:amd64 (2.42.0-2) ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.13.3-2) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.57) ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.22-1) ...
Setting up gnome-clocks (3.14.0-1) ...

So all goods, let's launch it. You can either launch gnome-clocks using command line or you can launch it from date/time panel. See screenshot below and click on Open Clocks.


As seen below, I have configure a few countries. How to add time for a country is left as an exercise for you and I promise it will not that difficult ;). Unfortunately it does not show information other that just clock. It was a pity anyway. Anyway, better than none until sometime generous enough to develop additional information like weather and graphical earth day and night.


That's it people, I hope you get some nice replacement when you transition into gnome3 environment.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Set date in gnome3 gnome-shell panel

If you came from gnome2 or before, you can easily alter configuration date and time in the panel. I don't know why the changes in gnome3 make everything so painfully to configure. It supposed to be easy and intuitive and can be achieve in few seconds but this is not the case anymore. Today, we will change the default configuration to something we used to. See screenshot below.


Introducing dconf-editor.

The dconf-editor program provides a graphical interface for editing settings that are stored in the dconf database. The gsettings(1) utility provides similar functionality on the commandline.

So install this package if it is not available. Let's launch the app.
user@localhost:~$ dconf-editor

dconf-editor window popup. On the left tree menu, expand in this succession. org -> gnome -> desktop -> interface . Check the button for the field you would like to enable. In the screenshot below, I have enable my use to desktop setting, show the date and show seconds.


That's it, in the next article, we will probably look into the earth daylight map on the date / time calendar. I like that feature too but somehow it is not available in gnome3.