Saturday, April 12, 2014

Learn and play with cassandra 2.0.6 snapshot and restore

Snapshot of cassandra appearing as early as cassandra version 0.4.0 beta. Today, we are going to learn on cassandra snapshot. Note that if you run snapshot on a node in a cluster, it only snapshot on that node. If you want to snapshot for all nodes in a cluster,

it is much more efficient to use a parallel ssh such as clusterssh or pssh.

Fundamentally, when snapshot is executed, it copy the sstables into a snapshot directory. So be notice that if you have a huge node load, it require two times the disk space of that server and it may spike the I/O activity on that node too if large amount of sstables is being snapshot.

Let's get down to the work.

First, ensure at least the table (column family) has data.
cqlsh:jw_schema1> select * from users;

user_id | age | first | last | middle
3 | 34 | john | smith | a
2 | 35 | olee | smith | b
1 | 33 | dan | bar | c

(3 rows)

Then take a snapshot, for instance, I only take a snapshot of this keyspace, jw_schema1 and table users. What that does is that, cassandra will flush the data to sstable before snapshot is taken. For option such as giving a meaningful snapshot a name, check out command nodetool help.
jason@localhost:~$ nodetool -h localhost snapshot jw_schema1 -cf users
Requested creating snapshot for: jw_schema1 and table: users
Snapshot directory: 1397292720524

The snapshot made will be stored at <data_file_directories> that you set in cassandra.yaml file. So for instance,
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ ls -l snapshots/1397292720524/
total 96K
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 16 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Filter.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 54 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Index.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 76 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Data.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 43 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 4.3K Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Statistics.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 79 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-TOC.txt
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 68 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Summary.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 16 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Filter.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 58 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Index.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 87 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Data.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 43 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 4.3K Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Statistics.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 79 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-TOC.txt
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 75 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Summary.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 16 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Filter.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 45 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Index.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 206 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Data.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 43 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 4.3K Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Statistics.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 79 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-TOC.txt
-rw-r--r-- 2 cassandra cassandra 59 Apr 12 16:52 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Summary.db

If you md5sum on the data files between snapshot and the live data, they are identically match.
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ md5sum snapshots/1397292720524/*Data*
3d4351d714500417c74de6811b1eae3b snapshots/1397292720524/jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Data.db
a430a2d65c0a504fe3ab06344654a89a snapshots/1397292720524/jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Data.db
13798e1ffb5ed6a871d768399f54b125 snapshots/1397292720524/jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Data.db
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ md5sum *Data*
3d4351d714500417c74de6811b1eae3b jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Data.db
a430a2d65c0a504fe3ab06344654a89a jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Data.db
13798e1ffb5ed6a871d768399f54b125 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Data.db

A snapshot made is not meaningful if you cannot restore back to the node. So from this point on ward, we will take a look on how to restore the snapshot back into the node.

Surprisingly, to restore the command, you would expect for example, nodetool restore backup, but it is not. Rather, there are a few ways to restore the given snapshot sstables.

  1. You can use sstableloader,

  2. copy the sstables into <data_file_directories>/data/jw_schema1/users/ and refresh by calling loadNewSSTables via jconsole or using nodetool refresh

  3. use a node restart method.

It sounds like a lot of works to use either of the first two methods, I'm gonna just try on the last method way of restoring the snapshot sstables.

In order to simulate our backup will be successful, we are going to do a few simulation (disk failure, accidentally delete) here.

  1. copy the snapshot backup somewhere else.

  2. shutdown cassandra and delete cassandra directory.

Okay, let's continue the setup simulation environment
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ cp -r snapshots/ ~/cassandra/

jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ sudo /etc/init.d/cassandra stop

jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ cd /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog$ ls
total 2.6M
-rw-r--r-- 1 cassandra cassandra 32M Apr 11 18:52 CommitLog-3-1397213531634.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 cassandra cassandra 32M Apr 12 18:38 CommitLog-3-1397213531633.log
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog$ sudo rm -rf *
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog$ cd ../data/jw_schema1/users/
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ sudo rm -rf *

So we have copied the snapshot to a cassandra directory under home directory and also stop cassandra, remove all commitlog and table users in keyspace jw_schema1. Note that in this case, the schema for table users is still exists as the schema is stored in the system keyspace.

And now we will copy the snapshot from home directory back into cassandra.
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ sudo cp -r ~/cassandra/snapshots/1397292720524/jw_schema1-users* .
jason@localhost:/var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users$ ls
total 96K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 76 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Data.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Filter.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 54 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Index.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.3K Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Statistics.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-Summary.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1-TOC.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 87 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Data.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Filter.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 58 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Index.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.3K Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Statistics.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-TOC.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 75 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1-Summary.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Data.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.3K Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Statistics.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Index.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Filter.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-TOC.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59 Apr 12 18:50 jw_schema1-users-jb-1-Summary.db

So far it looks good, now if you tail the cassandra system.log and start cassandra, notice that the sstables are being read. If within these down time, data supposed to be own by this node is missed, you should by now run nodetool repair to make sure data is sync.
 INFO [main] 2014-04-12 18:52:32,555 (line 254) Initializing jw_schema1.users
INFO [SSTableBatchOpen:1] 2014-04-12 18:52:32,568 (line 223) Opening /var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users/jw_schema1-users-jb-1 (206 bytes)
INFO [main] 2014-04-12 18:52:32,701 (line 254) Initializing jw_schema1.users.idxLast
INFO [SSTableBatchOpen:1] 2014-04-12 18:52:32,719 (line 223) Opening /var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users/jw_schema1-users.idxLast-jb-1 (87 bytes)
INFO [main] 2014-04-12 18:52:32,802 (line 254) Initializing jw_schema1.users.idxAge
INFO [SSTableBatchOpen:1] 2014-04-12 18:52:32,810 (line 223) Opening /var/lib/cassandra/data/jw_schema1/users/jw_schema1-users.idxAge-jb-1 (76 bytes)

jason@localhost:~/$ nodetool -h localhost repair jw_schema1 users
[2014-04-12 18:59:57,477] Starting repair command #1, repairing 1280 ranges for keyspace jw_schema1
[2014-04-12 19:00:50,800] Repair command #1 finished

Now we will check our data if it is still there.
jason@localhost:~/$ cqlsh 9160 -k jw_schema1
Connected to just4fun at
[cqlsh 4.1.1 | Cassandra 2.0.6 | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh:jw_schema1> select * from users;

user_id | age | first | last | middle
3 | 34 | john | smith | a
2 | 35 | olee | smith | b
1 | 33 | dan | bar | c
(3 rows)


All good. :)

In my humble opinion, because cassandra is built with durable and fault tolerant in mind, snapshot is rather not actually needed. Sure, it is fair to argue if someone deleted the data accidentally, but if you can prevent that by blocking from front end, you can actually save a lot of cost in term of cluster backup and restore maintenance cost. If you want to really ensure the data is save, spin up another cluster in another data centre, then the data is guaranteed safe from disaster. But hey, no harm learning a new tools in case you might need it later down the road.


Investigate into cassandra 1.0.8 compaction

So what happened what you trigger compact via nodetool? In a nutshell, it goes into a series of low levels java calls.

The execution started on,,,,,, and

Once object NodeProbe is establish, method forceTableCompaction (...) is called. Within NodeProbe, there is another called StorageServiceMBean which is the JMX bean interface implemented by class StorageService.

what forceTableCompaction(...) does is that, it iterate over the column families and start major compaction. Code snippet below:
public void forceTableCompaction(String tableName, String... columnFamilies) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
for (ColumnFamilyStore cfStore : getValidColumnFamilies(tableName, columnFamilies))

So it is pretty clear that, the execution goes by getting a valid column families and start to call its method forceMajorCompaction(). What actually happened is that, within method forceMajorCompaction(), this object (ColumnFamilyStore) is passed to CompactionManager singleton to perform an operation known as maximal.

Within CompactionManager class, the object cfStore is perform concurrently. It does by submit the cfStore object to a concurrent codes. To explain better, let's read general compaction framework below:
public Future<Object> submitMaximal(final ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, final int gcBefore)
Callable<Object> callable = new Callable<Object>()
public Object call() throws IOException
// acquire the write lock long enough to schedule all sstables
if (!cfStore.isValid())
return this;
AbstractCompactionStrategy strategy = cfStore.getCompactionStrategy();
for (AbstractCompactionTask task : strategy.getMaximalTasks(gcBefore))
if (!task.markSSTablesForCompaction(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
return this;
// downgrade the lock acquisition
return task.execute(executor);
// we probably already downgraded
if (compactionLock.writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread())
return this;
return executor.submit(callable);

To summarize :

  • compaction write lock is made.

  • cfStore object is check again if it still valid.

  • the compaction strategy is retrieved from the cfStore object.

  • mark SSTables for compaction.

  • execute on the CompactionExecutor.

Currently there are two types of compaction strategy in this version; SizeTieredCompactionStrategy and LeveledCompactionStrategy and this discussion continue based on SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.

The real compaction work is done here.
public int execute(CompactionExecutorStatsCollector collector) throws IOException
// The collection of sstables passed may be empty (but not null); even if
// it is not empty, it may compact down to nothing if all rows are deleted.
assert sstables != null;

Set<SSTableReader> toCompact = new HashSet<SSTableReader>(sstables);
if (!isCompactionInteresting(toCompact))
return 0;

if (compactionFileLocation == null)
compactionFileLocation = cfs.table.getDataFileLocation(cfs.getExpectedCompactedFileSize(toCompact));
if (partialCompactionsAcceptable())
// If the compaction file path is null that means we have no space left for this compaction.
// Try again w/o the largest one.
if (compactionFileLocation == null)
while (compactionFileLocation == null && toCompact.size() > 1)
logger.warn("insufficient space to compact all requested files " + StringUtils.join(toCompact, ", "));
// Note that we have removed files that are still marked as compacting. This suboptimal but ok since the caller will unmark all
// the sstables at the end.
compactionFileLocation = cfs.table.getDataFileLocation(cfs.getExpectedCompactedFileSize(toCompact));

if (compactionFileLocation == null)
logger.warn("insufficient space to compact even the two smallest files, aborting");
return 0;

if (DatabaseDescriptor.isSnapshotBeforeCompaction())
cfs.snapshotWithoutFlush(System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + "compact-" + cfs.columnFamily);

// sanity check: all sstables must belong to the same cfs
for (SSTableReader sstable : toCompact)
assert sstable.descriptor.cfname.equals(cfs.columnFamily);

CompactionController controller = new CompactionController(cfs, toCompact, gcBefore, isUserDefined);
// new sstables from flush can be added during a compaction, but only the compaction can remove them,
// so in our single-threaded compaction world this is a valid way of determining if we're compacting
// all the sstables (that existed when we started)"Compacting {}", toCompact);

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalkeysWritten = 0;

long estimatedTotalKeys = Math.max(DatabaseDescriptor.getIndexInterval(), SSTableReader.getApproximateKeyCount(toCompact));
long estimatedSSTables = Math.max(1, SSTable.getTotalBytes(toCompact) / cfs.getCompactionStrategy().getMaxSSTableSize());
long keysPerSSTable = (long) Math.ceil((double) estimatedTotalKeys / estimatedSSTables);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Expected bloom filter size : " + keysPerSSTable);

AbstractCompactionIterable ci = DatabaseDescriptor.isMultithreadedCompaction()
? new ParallelCompactionIterable(OperationType.COMPACTION, toCompact, controller)
: new CompactionIterable(OperationType.COMPACTION, toCompact, controller);
CloseableIterator<AbstractCompactedRow> iter = ci.iterator();
Iterator<AbstractCompactedRow> nni = Iterators.filter(iter, Predicates.notNull());
Map<DecoratedKey, Long> cachedKeys = new HashMap<DecoratedKey, Long>();

// we can't preheat until the tracker has been set. This doesn't happen until we tell the cfs to
// replace the old entries. Track entries to preheat here until then.
Map<SSTableReader, Map<DecoratedKey, Long>> cachedKeyMap = new HashMap<SSTableReader, Map<DecoratedKey, Long>>();

Collection<SSTableReader> sstables = new ArrayList<SSTableReader>();
Collection<SSTableWriter> writers = new ArrayList<SSTableWriter>();

if (collector != null)
if (!nni.hasNext())
// don't mark compacted in the finally block, since if there _is_ nondeleted data,
// we need to sync it (via closeAndOpen) first, so there is no period during which
// a crash could cause data loss.
return 0;

SSTableWriter writer = cfs.createCompactionWriter(keysPerSSTable, compactionFileLocation, toCompact);
while (nni.hasNext())
AbstractCompactedRow row =;
if (row.isEmpty())

long position = writer.append(row);

if (DatabaseDescriptor.getPreheatKeyCache())
for (SSTableReader sstable : toCompact)
if (sstable.getCachedPosition(row.key, false) != null)
cachedKeys.put(row.key, position);
if (!nni.hasNext() || newSSTableSegmentThresholdReached(writer, position))
SSTableReader toIndex = writer.closeAndOpenReader(getMaxDataAge(toCompact));
cachedKeyMap.put(toIndex, cachedKeys);
if (nni.hasNext())
writer = cfs.createCompactionWriter(keysPerSSTable, compactionFileLocation, toCompact);
cachedKeys = new HashMap<DecoratedKey, Long>();
catch (Exception e)
for (SSTableWriter writer : writers)
throw FBUtilities.unchecked(e);
if (collector != null)

cfs.replaceCompactedSSTables(toCompact, sstables);
// TODO: this doesn't belong here, it should be part of the reader to load when the tracker is wired up
for (Entry<SSTableReader, Map<DecoratedKey, Long>> ssTableReaderMapEntry : cachedKeyMap.entrySet())
SSTableReader key = ssTableReaderMapEntry.getKey();
for (Entry<DecoratedKey, Long> entry : ssTableReaderMapEntry.getValue().entrySet())
key.cacheKey(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

long dTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
long startsize = SSTable.getTotalBytes(toCompact);
long endsize = SSTable.getTotalBytes(sstables);
double ratio = (double)endsize / (double)startsize;

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (SSTableReader reader : sstables)

double mbps = dTime > 0 ? (double)endsize/(1024*1024)/((double)dTime/1000) : 0;"Compacted to %s. %,d to %,d (~%d%% of original) bytes for %,d keys at %fMB/s. Time: %,dms.",
builder.toString(), startsize, endsize, (int) (ratio * 100), totalkeysWritten, mbps, dTime));
logger.debug(String.format("CF Total Bytes Compacted: %,d", CompactionTask.addToTotalBytesCompacted(endsize)));
return toCompact.size();

That's a lot of works done in this method. :-) I summarized some important points below:

  • checking if enough sstables are present to compact.

  • check if the disk size is suffcient for this compaction task.

  • snapshot before compaction happen.

  • check sstable to be compact is belong to the same column family.

  • CompactionExecutorStatsCollector begin compaction with the AbstractCompactionIterable.

  •  create a compaction writer.

  •  replace a new compacted sstable with the old sstables.

I hope you enjoy this writing.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Overwrite tmnet DNS in router DIR-615

In the past, I have read into how the site was "blocked" in Malaysia where web surfers unable to load some websites. I don't know what is the fuss about it as it certainly create a lot of talks in the social websites. The term blocked would probably be at IP level where if the access by a machine to a address of IP a.b.c.d is unreachable, then that is a really blocked. But the funny things is, some ISPs in malaysia do not actually blocked the IPs but merely make some hostname unable to resolve into IP.

So in this article, I'm gonna show you how you can get back your freedom. There are many public DNS out there. Just google public DNS would give you a lot of list. In fact, google has public DNS too. When you choose the DNS, be sure it is public trust able and speed of your machine to the DNS server is matter when you want a quick web browser able to determine the IP address quickly.

With that said, I'm gonna show you how you can overwrite the DNS entries in tmnet router DIR-615. You need to ssh to your router in order to accomplish this. I have tried many times in the web interface, though it has text box for you to specify, apparently you cannot specify to the list that you want, it always default to tmnet DNS. This is annoying!

What you need is a terminal, ssh program installed, username = operator , password = h566UniFi

After you have ssh into the router, these are all the steps you need to do.
# cat /var/etc/resolv.conf
# This file is generated by gen_resolv.php

# sed 's/' -i /var/etc/resolv.conf
# sed 's/' -i /var/etc/resolv.conf
# cat resolv.conf
# This file is generated by gen_resolv.php

So I have an internal IP because there is a internal DNS service running. would be the google public DNS.

Well, that's all you need, the site where it is unable to resolve to an IP, you can check by ping to the hostname, it should return a valid IP. That's all folks, I hope you learn something and gain back your right.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

cassandra component on heap or off heap.

A summary of the components in cassandra that store offheap.

cassandra 1.2 and later use offheap for
bloom filter
compression offset map
row cache

cassandra 2.0 and later use offheap for
bloom filter
compression offset map
partition summary
index samples
row cache

Remember , off heap is not equal as non heap. Off-heap means the object is stored non in java heap allocated to the jvm, that is the native memory.

For example in the Bloom filter.
public static IAllocator newOffHeapAllocator(String offheap_allocator) throws ConfigurationException
if (!offheap_allocator.contains("."))
offheap_allocator = "" + offheap_allocator;
return FBUtilities.construct(offheap_allocator, "off-heap allocator");

As you can see, if you want to determine if the object is stored on heap or offheap, you can to read into the code. I tried to inspect cassandra 2.0.2 using jconsole, it only show total usage of onheap or offheap. The cassandra community suggest it is better to read NEWS.txt or their blog to read the latest change if the component move on or off heap.!topic/nosql-databases/kFHS6QfZDuE

Thursday, January 16, 2014

force sstable compaction through jconsole

Happy new year everyone, this is my first article for 2014 and as a start, it is going to be short and sweet one. :-)

I was working on this project where I have deleted the column and I remember the definition of tombstone is that, you need to run compact so that the tombstone is removed. When I run nodetool compact, this message appear below.
INFO 19:15:09,170 Nothing to compact in index1.  Use forceUserDefinedCompaction if you wish to force compaction of single sstables (e.g. for tombstone collection)

So what is this means is that, you need to have jconsole running because forceUserDefinedCompaction can only invoke through jconsole. When jconsole is connected to your cassandra daemon process, you need to navigate to the compactionmanager mbean.

Then you need to provide two value to this method as this method expected two parameters. That is the keyspace and the sstables where you wish to compact. You can see in this attachment on how I did it.

So if you ls the data directory where the sstable are store, a new sstable should be generated. Once the operation is complete, you can navigate to the data directory where the sstable is stored.

$ ls data/lucene1/
index1-hc-3-Data.db index1-hc-3-Digest.sha1 index1-hc-3-Filter.db index1-hc-3-Index.db index1-hc-3-Statistics.db snapshots

We have production machine which a single sstable size is more than 25GB. When the soft limit compaction is met (default min 4 and max 32) , in this situation, I think it will load the server if it takes place, probably best is, we forceUserDefinedCompaction on this single large sstable.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy new year!

My software pick of 2013
* So the year is coming to the end, time to evaluate, when I look back at
2013, to see what software I used the most, compare to 2012, one piece of software
come to mind vimwiki, a personal wiki system for vim, I know it don't sound
like much, but it is just so much more, the wiki part refer to the way it use
links, in the previous version vimwiki used CamelBack to make a link, in the
latest all words can be used as a link, and you can link to files on your pc
or on the web.

from the homepage:
* With vimwiki you can
* organize notes and ideas
* manage todo-lists
* write documentation

* I use it for many purpose, note, blogs, todo, appointment, projects etc.
Before vimwiki I used zim it's a nice gui wiki, but the great think with
vimwiki is all the time I used to learn navigate in vim pays of, so I jump
around in my wiki-pages with a speed no gui tool can match, and all is kept
in text files, so the footprint on the harddrive is very small.

* I been using vimwiki for most of 2013 and my wiki-folder is only 392K, so
it's fast even if you put it on dropbox or local server, vimwiki has many
options to fit your needs, look up the vimwiki help file to learn more, a nice
thing is that you can have as many wiki's as you need, like one for work and
one private, one for a single project. I can't encourage you enough to read the
help file. So you can get the most out of this handy tool. I use it all day
every day, the speed and power from vim, in a wiki-tool, don't get better
then this.

* Thanks to habamax for this wonderful plugin.

* What is your software pick of 2013?

Cassandra cluster jmx metrics inspection to decide if cluster expansion is justifiable

One of the important decision during managing the clusters is to determine when cluster capacity should expand. To maintain a cluster in optimal performance will give the applications working nicely and most importantly, it give confidence to the people.

So, to answer question like, how do I determine if my cluster is at bottleneck? To answer this type of question, you will need to have the measuring tools ready and measure over time. Meaning that you need to display statistics in graphical form and with the history, it should give an indication of the cluster performance.

Because the topic will grow huge, hence, we will focus on a specific metric. This article gonna inspect the metric exposed by the jmx beans. In order to inspect the jmx metrics, you will need a jmx client. There is a gui jmx client that comes with the jdk, that is jconsole. Because nature of this article, I would suggest you go for cli jmx client, for example jmxterm. You can read introduction of jmxterm here.

There are many metrics exposed by cassandra jmx beans. But we will focus on bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=CompactionManager.

If you are using jmxterm, you can read the output below:
$ cat test.script 
open localhost:7199
bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=CompactionManager
get PendingTasks
$ java -jar jmxterm-1.0-alpha-4-uber.jar -i test.script
Welcome to JMX terminal. Type "help" for available commands.
#Connection to localhost:7199 is opened
#bean is set to org.apache.cassandra.db:type=CompactionManager
#mbean = org.apache.cassandra.db:type=CompactionManager:
PendingTasks = 0;

So if you plot PendingTasks in a graph over time with a periodic interval, it should give insight to your cluster performance. You can also plot the statistics output from nodetool tpstats. I would suggest also, you plot Message type dropped as those metrics indicate over time that the performance is impacted. If you have a stock cassandra settings, you will probably want to fine tune to your node at this point after this investigation and analysis on the graph.

There is no best strategies, as mentioned earlier, you need experience and there are many other metrics measuring tools, example sar , iostats, top, your application measurement. So it take some times to even master all of these but it is crucial if you managed a production cluster.