Showing posts with label tombstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tombstone. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

code study in cassandra compaction 108 and check what is actually gets remove

Last we covered topic such as compaction via jconsole and general study into compaction and what this article is going to focus is, when compaction happened, what happened to the data that is marked as delete, that is the tombstone?

Continue to where we left in previous article, in the method CompactionTask.execute() , snippet below:
AbstractCompactionIterable ci = DatabaseDescriptor.isMultithreadedCompaction()
? new ParallelCompactionIterable(OperationType.COMPACTION, toCompact, controller)
: new CompactionIterable(OperationType.COMPACTION, toCompact, controller);
CloseableIterator<AbstractCompactedRow> iter = ci.iterator();
Iterator<AbstractCompactedRow> nni = Iterators.filter(iter, Predicates.notNull());

calling ci.iterator() return a new Reducer() where this class will perform remove this row from cache and sstable.

protected class Reducer extends MergeIterator.Reducer<IColumnIterator, AbstractCompactedRow>
protected final List<SSTableIdentityIterator> rows = new ArrayList<SSTableIdentityIterator>();

public void reduce(IColumnIterator current)
rows.add((SSTableIdentityIterator) current);

protected AbstractCompactedRow getReduced()
assert !rows.isEmpty();

AbstractCompactedRow compactedRow = controller.getCompactedRow(new ArrayList<SSTableIdentityIterator>(rows));
if (compactedRow.isEmpty())
return null;
// If the raw is cached, we call removeDeleted on it to have/ coherent query returns. However it would look
// like some deleted columns lived longer than gc_grace + compaction. This can also free up big amount of
// memory on long running instances

return compactedRow;
if ((row++ % 1000) == 0)
long n = 0;
for (SSTableScanner scanner : scanners)
n += scanner.getFilePointer();
bytesRead = n;

The logic is similar and below is the logic to remove the expired column from the standard column family.
private static void removeDeletedStandard(ColumnFamily cf, int gcBefore)
Iterator<IColumn> iter = cf.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
IColumn c =;
ByteBuffer cname =;
// remove columns if
// (a) the column itself is tombstoned or
// (b) the CF is tombstoned and the column is not newer than it
// Note that we need the inequality below for case (a) to be strict for expiring columns
// to work correctly -- see the comment in ExpiringColumn.isMarkedForDelete().
if ((c.isMarkedForDelete() && c.getLocalDeletionTime() < gcBefore)
|| c.timestamp() <= cf.getMarkedForDeleteAt())

So that's pretty obvious. columns and rows get remove if the condition is satisfied.

Last but not least, if you are happy reading this and learn something, please remember to donate too.