Showing posts with label murmur3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murmur3. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to generate murmur3 in cassandra2.0

Reading into this doc, got really curious on how the murmur3 hash value is generated.

So I dig at cassandra github, found this this class , it seem that, cassandra 2.0 generate the token for the primary key using this method hash3_x64_128. Below are the method to get it work.. just put this into any java class and see the token generated.


public static LongToken genToken(String rowKey) {
ByteBuffer key = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(rowKey);
long hash = MurmurHash.hash3_x64_128(key, key.position(), key.remaining(), 0)[0];
LongToken lk = new LongToken(normalize(hash));
return lk;

public static void main(String[] args) {

private static long normalize(long v)
// We exclude the MINIMUM value; see getToken()
return v == Long.MIN_VALUE ? Long.MAX_VALUE : v;


with jim, it generated as 2680261686609811218. So that should be correct. Something extra, if you use nodetool to show the token ranges, e.g. nodetool -h localhost describering jw_schema1, you should get an idea with the token generated, the range on which nodes are responsible that hold the row data.