Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015

Learn lucene term range query

Today, we are going to learn lucene term range query. But first, what actually is lucene term range query? From the official javadoc definition

A Query that matches documents within an range of terms.

This query matches the documents looking for terms that fall into the supplied range according to Byte.compareTo(Byte). It is not intended for numerical ranges; use NumericRangeQuery instead.

This query uses the MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT rewrite method.

So byte to byte comparison of between two ranges, because it is byte to byte comparison, the comparison is lexicographic. If you intend to find range between two numbers, this is not the class you should use. Okay, if this is not clear, let's go into the code, shall we?

As you know, lucene is about two parts, the first indexing (write) part and then search (query) part. So in this article, we are going to index and query using term range query. To give you an overall of this article, we have four class.

  • LuceneConstants - just a setting class for this application.
  • Indexer - the class that does the indexing. 
  • Searcher - a class that do the search.
  • LearnTermRangeQuery - our main entry class to bind the above three classes into one. 
We have create an object tester for this learning journey. We then create index by calling method createIndex and then the index using term range query.

1:  LearnTermRangeQuery tester;  
3:  try {  
4:     tester = new LearnTermRangeQuery();  
5:     tester.createIndex();  
6:     tester.searchUsingTermRangeQuery("record2.txt", "record6.txt");  
7:  } catch (Exception e) {  
9:  }  

In the method createIndex(), I have some lambda usage, which you can notice with the arrow symbol, so you need to have java8 installed. There are two variables, indexDir and dataDir. The variable, indexDir is there directory where the created index will reside whilst dataDir is the sample data to be index upon. In the class Indexer, method getDocument(), is essentially index all sample documents. Nothing fancy, just ordinary creating lucene document and three fields, filename, filepath and file content.

Back to the class LearnTermRangeQuery, method searchUsingTermRangeQuery(). Notice we search the range with two files as the border. We initialized a lucene directory object and pass to the object index searcher. Everything else for lucene index searcher is just standard. We construct the TermRangeQuery and passed to the searcher object. The results are then shown and eventually close.

Below are the sample output in eclipse output.

 record 21.txt  
 src/resources/samples.termrange/record 21.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record 21.txt  
 record 33 .txt  
 src/resources/samples.termrange/record 33 .txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record 33 .txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record10.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record7.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record6.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record9.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record33.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record2.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record5.txt  
 record 33.txt  
 src/resources/samples.termrange/record 33.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record 33.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record3.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record8.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record2.1.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record1.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record4.txt  
 Indexing /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record22.txt  
 16 File indexed, time taken: 800 ms  
 6 documents found. Time :74ms  
 File : /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record33.txt  
 File : /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record2.txt  
 File : /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record5.txt  
 File : /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record3.txt  
 File : /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record4.txt  
 File : /home/user/eclipse/test/src/resources/samples.termrange/record22.txt  

As you can see above, the result are not correct if you consider numeric file name from record2.txt to record6.txt. So, always try experiment for few values before you implement. hehe, have fun! You can get the source for this codes at my github.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

code path learning on elasticsearch monitoring jvm logging

Today we are going to study the following info logging from elasticsearch 0.90.7.

1:  [2015-03-25 00:45:07,008][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc][ParNew][649825][391294] duration [829ms], collections [1]/[1.1s], total [829ms]/[2.8h], memory [8.4gb]->[8.5gb]/[14gb], all_pools {[Code Cache] [14.4mb]->[14.4mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space] [34.4mb]->[460.1kb]/[133.1mb]}{[Par Survivor Space] [16.6mb]->[16.6mb]/[16.6mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [8.3gb]->[8.4gb]/[13.8gb]}{[CMS Perm Gen] [43.5mb]->[43.5mb]/[82mb]}  
2:  [2015-03-25 00:45:11,529][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc][ParNew][649829][391299] duration [921ms], collections [1]/[1.3s], total [921ms]/[2.8h], memory [8.7gb]->[8.8gb]/[14gb], all_pools {[Code Cache] [14.4mb]->[14.4mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space] [203.2kb]->[4.1mb]/[133.1mb]}{[Par Survivor Space] [16.6mb]->[16.6mb]/[16.6mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [8.7gb]->[8.8gb]/[13.8gb]}{[CMS Perm Gen] [43.5mb]->[43.5mb]/[82mb]}  
3:  [2015-03-25 00:45:13,800][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc][ParNew][649831][391301] duration [744ms], collections [1]/[1.1s], total [744ms]/[2.8h], memory [8.9gb]->[9gb]/[14gb], all_pools {[Code Cache] [14.4mb]->[14.4mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space] [5.7mb]->[537.8kb]/[133.1mb]}{[Par Survivor Space] [16.6mb]->[16.6mb]/[16.6mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [8.9gb]->[9gb]/[13.8gb]}{[CMS Perm Gen] [43.5mb]->[43.5mb]/[82mb]}  
4:  [2015-03-25 00:45:15,088][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc][ParNew][649832][391302] duration [891ms], collections [1]/[1.2s], total [891ms]/[2.8h], memory [9gb]->[9.1gb]/[14gb], all_pools {[Code Cache] [14.4mb]->[14.4mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space] [537.8kb]->[5.4mb]/[133.1mb]}{[Par Survivor Space] [16.6mb]->[16.6mb]/[16.6mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [9gb]->[9.1gb]/[13.8gb]}{[CMS Perm Gen] [43.5mb]->[43.5mb]/[82mb]}  
5:  [2015-03-25 00:45:17,287][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc][ParNew][649834][391304] duration [770ms], collections [1]/[1.1s], total [770ms]/[2.8h], memory [9.2gb]->[9.3gb]/[14gb], all_pools {[Code Cache] [14.4mb]->[14.4mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space] [359.7kb]->[357.3kb]/[133.1mb]}{[Par Survivor Space] [16.6mb]->[16.6mb]/[16.6mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [9.2gb]->[9.3gb]/[13.8gb]}{[CMS Perm Gen] [43.5mb]->[43.5mb]/[82mb]}  
6:  [2015-03-25 00:45:18,531][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc][ParNew][649835][391305] duration [713ms], collections [1]/[1.2s], total [713ms]/[2.8h], memory [9.3gb]->[9.4gb]/[14gb], all_pools {[Code Cache] [14.4mb]->[14.4mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space] [357.3kb]->[441.9kb]/[133.1mb]}{[Par Survivor Space] [16.6mb]->[16.6mb]/[16.6mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [9.3gb]->[9.4gb]/[13.8gb]}{[CMS Perm Gen] [43.5mb]->[43.5mb]/[82mb]}  

Okay, before we go into this codes, let's analyze based on just the output above. We have info logging, nothing very seriously but as a sign we should already pay attention. Happened on one of the node, node03 with class file from package monitor.jvm. Let's take the first line in the log above and format nicely and so we can analyze further. Read below.

 [2015-03-25 00:45:07,008][INFO ][monitor.jvm       ] [node03] [gc]  
 [ParNew][649825][391294] duration [829ms],   
 collections [1]/[1.1s],   
 total [829ms]/[2.8h],   
 memory [8.4gb]->[8.5gb]/[14gb],   
 all_pools {[Code Cache]          [14.4mb]->[ 14.4mb ] / [   48mb]}  
           {[Par Eden Space]      [34.4mb]->[460.1kb ] / [133.1mb]}  
           {[Par Survivor Space]  [16.6mb]->[ 16.6mb ] / [ 16.6mb]}  
           {[CMS Old Gen]         [8.3gb] ->[  8.4gb ] / [ 13.8gb]}  
           {[CMS Perm Gen]        [43.5mb]->[ 43.5mb ] / [   82mb]}  

From just the above output, it become even clearer, the gc par new collection duration is 829milliseconds and one collection of 1.1seconds. The heap before was 8.4GB and after collected became 8.5GB with a total heap of 14GB. Then we have all the pools jvm statistics revealed. Pretty obvious, before and after with total memory heap assigned for the pool respectively.

Now, we will read into the code and verify if our assumption are valid. The class that log this is and we noticed it fall in the if else second evaluation clause.

Again, interpretation based on the code, it is an info logging with gc name is par new. Sequence of this gc is 649825. In this collection, total collection for par new is 391294 and its total collections time is 391294 milliseconds (6 minutes 31 seconds). Note that this collections time is derived with the difference in the last gc and this gc.

Next, the collections total counts between last count and this count. It is follow by the collections time in milliseconds. In this example, we have one collections performed in  1.1seconds.. hmm... Then we have the total time in milliseconds (829 milliseconds) with the gc collections time and in the output, it is showing 2.8 hours!

For the next jvm statistics, we have memory/heap statistics. So it is different than we interpret based on the log before, this statistics shown in the last jvm memory used and then current jvm used. The different is about one GB. The total memory/heap allocated for this jvm is 14GB.

The last statistics is the jvm pool statistics. Notice that the pool statistics is built such that the previous jvm collection run and this jvm collection run were built. The logic of output is such that the previous jvm pool used and then current jvm pool used with current pool max heap allocated. Let's take one from the pool for discussion, {[CMS Old Gen]        [8.3gb] ->[  8.4gb ] / [ 13.8gb]} . So cms old gen pool previous jvm usage was 8.3gb and in this jvm collection, the current usage is 8.4GB. This cms old gen max used is 13.8GB.

That's it and if you think this analysis is not correct, please leave your comment below and make the necessary correction.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Learning aggregations in elasticsearch 1.5 - part2

This is second part of learning aggregations in elasticsearch 1.5.2. Please read part 1of this article before continue to try the remaining aggregations feature in this article.

If you are using script, then you can use this feature, scripted metric aggregation

Next, let's try global aggregation

  "took" : 3,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "all_products" : {  
    "doc_count" : 3,  
    "avg_price" : {  
     "value" : 3.7833333810170493  

Filter aggregation.

  "took" : 6,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "in_stock_products" : {  
    "doc_count" : 2,  
    "avg_price" : {  
     "value" : 4.180000066757202  

missing aggregation 

  "took" : 3,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "fruits_without_a_price" : {  
    "doc_count" : 0  

nested aggregation

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "suppliers" : {  
    "doc_count" : 7,  
    "near" : {  
     "value" : 1.68430081E8,  
     "value_as_string" : ""  

reverse nested aggregation

  "took" : 13,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "suppliers" : {  
    "doc_count" : 7,  
    "top_suppliers" : {  
     "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
     "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,  
     "buckets" : [ {  
      "key" : "company",  
      "doc_count" : 7,  
      "suppliers_to_issue" : {  
       "doc_count" : 3,  
       "top_tags_per_comment" : {  
        "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
        "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,  
        "buckets" : [ {  
         "key" : "foods",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "fruits",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "red",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "large",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "medium",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "small",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        } ]  
     }, {  
      "key" : "a",  
      "doc_count" : 3,  
      "suppliers_to_issue" : {  
       "doc_count" : 3,  
       "top_tags_per_comment" : {  
        "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
        "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,  
        "buckets" : [ {  
         "key" : "foods",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "fruits",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "red",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "large",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "medium",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "small",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        } ]  
     }, {  
      "key" : "b",  
      "doc_count" : 3,  
      "suppliers_to_issue" : {  
       "doc_count" : 3,  
       "top_tags_per_comment" : {  
        "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
        "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,  
        "buckets" : [ {  
         "key" : "foods",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "fruits",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "red",  
         "doc_count" : 3  
        }, {  
         "key" : "large",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "medium",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "small",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        } ]  
     }, {  
      "key" : "c",  
      "doc_count" : 1,  
      "suppliers_to_issue" : {  
       "doc_count" : 1,  
       "top_tags_per_comment" : {  
        "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
        "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,  
        "buckets" : [ {  
         "key" : "foods",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "fruits",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "red",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        }, {  
         "key" : "small",  
         "doc_count" : 1  
        } ]  
     } ]  

children aggregation. We don't have mapping for this, so we will skip this for now, maybe if you do it as homework, you can leave a comment here.

terms aggregation

  "took" : 4,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "tags" : {  
    "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
    "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : "foods",  
     "doc_count" : 3  
    }, {  
     "key" : "fruits",  
     "doc_count" : 3  
    }, {  
     "key" : "red",  
     "doc_count" : 3  
    }, {  
     "key" : "large",  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    }, {  
     "key" : "medium",  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    }, {  
     "key" : "small",  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    } ]  

significant terms aggregation

  "took" : 3,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "significantQuantityTypes" : {  
    "doc_count" : 3,  
    "buckets" : [ ]  

range aggregation

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "price_ranges" : {  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : "*-4.0",  
     "to" : 4.0,  
     "to_as_string" : "4.0",  
     "doc_count" : 2  
    }, {  
     "key" : "1.0-3.0",  
     "from" : 1.0,  
     "from_as_string" : "1.0",  
     "to" : 3.0,  
     "to_as_string" : "3.0",  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    }, {  
     "key" : "4.0-*",  
     "from" : 4.0,  
     "from_as_string" : "4.0",  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    } ]  

date range aggregation

  "took" : 9,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "range" : {  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : "*-2014-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",  
     "to" : 1.4041728E12,  
     "to_as_string" : "2014-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",  
     "doc_count" : 0  
    }, {  
     "key" : "2014-07-01T00:00:00.000Z-*",  
     "from" : 1.4041728E12,  
     "from_as_string" : "2014-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",  
     "doc_count" : 3  
    } ]  

IPv4 range aggregation

  "took" : 3,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
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    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "suppliers_ip_ranges" : {  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : "*-",  
     "to" : 1.67772161E8,  
     "to_as_string" : "",  
     "doc_count" : 0  
    }, {  
     "key" : "*",  
     "from" : 1.69738241E8,  
     "from_as_string" : "",  
     "doc_count" : 0  
    } ]  

histogram aggregation

  "took" : 3,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "prices" : {  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : 2,  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    }, {  
     "key" : 3,  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    }, {  
     "key" : 4,  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    } ]  

date histogram aggregation

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "prices_over_time" : {  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key_as_string" : "2015-05-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
     "key" : 1431561600000,  
     "doc_count" : 2  
    }, {  
     "key_as_string" : "2015-05-15T00:00:00.000Z",  
     "key" : 1431648000000,  
     "doc_count" : 1  
    } ]  

geo distance aggregation

  "took" : 2,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "rings_around_x" : {  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : "*-100.0",  
     "from" : 0.0,  
     "to" : 100.0,  
     "doc_count" : 0  
    }, {  
     "key" : "100.0-300.0",  
     "from" : 100.0,  
     "to" : 300.0,  
     "doc_count" : 0  
    }, {  
     "key" : "300.0-*",  
     "from" : 300.0,  
     "doc_count" : 0  
    } ]  

GeoHash grid aggregation

  "took" : 2,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "myLarge-GrainGeoHashGrid" : {  
    "buckets" : [ ]  

That's it, elasticsearch aggregations has a lot of features in comparison to the previous facets. So this is a light learning on various aggregation going through in elasticsearch 1.5.2. If you interested in the certain aggreation, I suggest you spend more time to experiment on the aggregation. You can download all the index, data, and mapping here.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Learning aggregations in elasticsearch 1.5 - part1

In the last article, we learned elasticsearch facets and in this article, we will learn the newer aggregations framework from elasticsearch. It is recommended you read the previous article on facets as it give you some idea what was in the past and it assists you in this article learning.

Before we jump into elasticsearch aggregation, let's take a look of the taxonomy of the data first. Let's use an example that you and I use everyday, we all need food. With food, we have fruits within food. A wide variety of fruits can be available and we will use different type of fruits for queries later. So you may already guessed, the index is foods and the type is fruits. Unlike previous article, in this article, we will create mapping first. The reason is with each unique type to the fruit, we can do things like range, date, or geo query.

Okay, let's get started, the following script is to create an index and its mapping. You should also be able to retrieve it here.

1:  #!/bin/bash  
4:  curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/foods/?pretty'  
6:  sleep 3  
8:  curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/foods/_mapping/fruits' -d '  
9:  {  
10:    "fruits" : {  
11:      "properties" : {  
12:        "insert_date"   : { "type" : "date"},  
13:        "name"      : { "type" : "string" },  
14:        "grade"      : { "type" : "string" },  
15:        "price"      : { "type" : "float"},  
16:        "price_date"   : { "type" : "date"},  
17:        "staff_update"  : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "staff" : { "type": "object", "properties" : { "id" : { "type" : "string"}, "name" : {"type": "string"} } } } },  
18:        "quantity"    : { "type" : "integer"},  
19:        "quantity_max"  : { "type" : "integer"},  
20:        "quantity_min"  : { "type" : "integer"},  
21:        "tags"      : { "type" : "string"},  
22:        "quantity_enough" : { "type" : "boolean"},  
23:        "suppliers"    : { "type" : "nested", "properties" : { "vendor_name" : {"type": "string"}, "vendor_ip": {"type": "ip"}, "vendor_coordinate": {"type": "string"} } }  
24:      }  
25:    }  
26:  }'  

now we check if the mapping are okay and health of the cluster.

1:  [user@localhost ~]$ curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/health?v'  
2:  epoch   timestamp cluster    status shards pri relo init unassign pending_tasks   
3:  1431691876 14:11:16 elasticsearch green      3     3   10  5  0  0    0       0   
4:  [user@localhost ~]$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/foods/_mapping/?pretty'  
5:  {  
6:   "foods" : {  
7:    "mappings" : {  
8:     "fruits" : {  
9:      "properties" : {  
10:       "grade" : {  
11:        "type" : "string"  
12:       },  
13:       "insert_date" : {  
14:        "type" : "date",  
15:        "format" : "dateOptionalTime"  
16:       },  
17:       "name" : {  
18:        "type" : "string"  
19:       },  
20:       "price" : {  
21:        "type" : "float"  
22:       },  
23:       "price_date" : {  
24:        "type" : "date",  
25:        "format" : "dateOptionalTime"  
26:       },  
27:       "quantity" : {  
28:        "type" : "integer"  
29:       },  
30:       "quantity_enough" : {  
31:        "type" : "boolean"  
32:       },  
33:       "quantity_max" : {  
34:        "type" : "integer"  
35:       },  
36:       "quantity_min" : {  
37:        "type" : "integer"  
38:       },  
39:       "staff_update" : {  
40:        "properties" : {  
41:         "staff" : {  
42:          "properties" : {  
43:           "id" : {  
44:            "type" : "string"  
45:           },  
46:           "name" : {  
47:            "type" : "string"  
48:           }  
49:          }  
50:         }  
51:        }  
52:       },  
53:       "suppliers" : {  
54:        "type" : "nested",  
55:        "properties" : {  
56:         "vendor_coordinate" : {  
57:          "type" : "string"  
58:         },  
59:         "vendor_ip" : {  
60:          "type" : "ip"  
61:         },  
62:         "vendor_name" : {  
63:          "type" : "string"  
64:         }  
65:        }  
66:       },  
67:       "tags" : {  
68:        "type" : "string"  
69:       }  
70:      }  
71:     }  
72:    }  
73:   }  
74:  }  
75:  [user@localhost ~]$   

Look good, we are ready to index some sample data. A sample below but you should be able to get more here.

 curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/foods/fruits/1?pretty" -d '  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15 20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "b"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  

okay, let's get into the actual works, min aggregation.

  "took" : 131,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 1.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 1.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 0.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "min_price" : {  
    "value" : 0.9900000095367432  

So I have no idea why is the floating end with 95367432.  Let's see on the next example, max aggregation,

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 1.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 1.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 0.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "max_price" : {  
    "value" : 1.9800000190734863  

Next, sum aggregation.

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 1.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 1.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 0.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "sum_all_item_price" : {  
    "value" : 4.350000023841858  

the average

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 1.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 1.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 0.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "avg_grade" : {  
    "value" : 1.450000007947286  

Something different now, statistics aggreation. This one is cool as you can combine the above output into one.

  "took" : 5,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 1.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 1.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 0.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "prices_stats" : {  
    "count" : 3,  
    "min" : 0.9900000095367432,  
    "max" : 1.9800000190734863,  
    "avg" : 1.450000007947286,  
    "sum" : 4.350000023841858  

and if you want extra statistics exposure, try extended stats aggregation.

  "took" : 3,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 1.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 1.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 0.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "prices_stats" : {  
    "count" : 3,  
    "min" : 0.9900000095367432,  
    "max" : 1.9800000190734863,  
    "avg" : 1.450000007947286,  
    "sum" : 4.350000023841858,  
    "sum_of_squares" : 6.804900081253052,  
    "variance" : 0.16580000403722148,  
    "std_deviation" : 0.4071854663875191,  
    "std_deviation_bounds" : {  
     "upper" : 2.264370940722324,  
     "lower" : 0.6356290751722476  

value count aggregation.

  "took" : 9,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "prices_count" : {  
    "value" : 3  

percentile aggregation. This is cool to see your data distributions, like from 1% to 99%, where are the usual data distributed.

  "took" : 15,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "quantity_outlier" : {  
    "values" : {  
     "1.0" : 9.18,  
     "5.0" : 9.9,  
     "25.0" : 13.5,  
     "50.0" : 18.0,  
     "75.0" : 19.0,  
     "95.0" : 19.8,  
     "99.0" : 19.96  

percentile ranks aggregation.

  "took" : 4,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "quantity_outlier" : {  
    "values" : {  
     "15.0" : 0.0,  
     "30.0" : 100.0  

cardinality aggregation. Note that this is experimental, it may have been removed in the future.

  "took" : 21,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "grade_count" : {  
    "value" : 3  

geo bounds aggregation

  "took" : 4,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 0.8465736,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 0.70273256,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "viewport" : { }  

Top hits Aggregation

  "took" : 38,  
  "timed_out" : false,  
  "_shards" : {  
   "total" : 5,  
   "successful" : 5,  
   "failed" : 0  
  "hits" : {  
   "total" : 3,  
   "max_score" : 1.0,  
   "hits" : [ {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "1",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-15T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-a",  
   "grade"      : "A",  
   "price"      : 4.98,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-15",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 9739, "name" : "John Smith"} },  
   "quantity"    : 20,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "large", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "2",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:50",  
   "name"      : "apple-b",  
   "grade"      : "B",  
   "price"      : 3.38,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 18,  
   "quantity_max"  : 30,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "medium", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : true,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}]  
   }, {  
    "_index" : "foods",  
    "_type" : "fruits",  
    "_id" : "3",  
    "_score" : 1.0,  
   "insert_date"   : "2015-05-14T20:18:55",  
   "name"      : "apple-c",  
   "grade"      : "C",  
   "price"      : 2.99,  
   "price_date"   : "2015-05-14",  
   "staff_update"  : {"staff" : {"id" : 7795, "name" : "Tide Hunter"} },  
   "quantity"    : 9,  
   "quantity_max"  : 40,  
   "quantity_min"  : 10,  
   "tags"      : ["fruits", "foods", "small", "red"],  
   "quantity_enough" : false,  
   "suppliers"    : [{"vendor_name": "company-A", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "41.72,-10.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-B", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "45.72,8.35"}, {"vendor_name": "company-C", "vendor_ip": "", "vendor_coordinate": "11.72,18.72"}]  
   } ]  
  "aggregations" : {  
   "top-tags" : {  
    "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,  
    "sum_other_doc_count" : 6,  
    "buckets" : [ {  
     "key" : "foods",  
     "doc_count" : 3,  
     "top_tag_hits" : {  
      "hits" : {  
       "total" : 3,  
       "max_score" : null,  
       "hits" : [ {  
        "_index" : "foods",  
        "_type" : "fruits",  
        "_id" : "1",  
        "_score" : null,  
        "sort" : [ 1431721130000 ]  
       } ]  
    }, {  
     "key" : "fruits",  
     "doc_count" : 3,  
     "top_tag_hits" : {  
      "hits" : {  
       "total" : 3,  
       "max_score" : null,  
       "hits" : [ {  
        "_index" : "foods",  
        "_type" : "fruits",  
        "_id" : "1",  
        "_score" : null,  
        "sort" : [ 1431721130000 ]  
       } ]  
    } ]  

Okay, we have covered a lot in this article for aggregations. But there are more to come in the next article. Hence, let's continue the rest of aggregation in the incoming article.