Showing posts with label logging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label logging. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2013

Elasticsearch index slow log for search and indexing

Today, we are going to learn on the logging for elasticsearch for its search and index. In elasticsearch config file, elasticsearch.yml, it should have a configuration such as below:
################################## Slow Log ##################################

# Shard level query and fetch threshold logging. 10s 5s 2s 500ms 1s 800ms 500ms 200ms

#index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn: 10s 5s
#index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.debug: 2s
index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.trace: 500ms

So with this example, I have enable tracing for search query and search fetch with 500ms and 200ms respectively. A search in elasticsearch consists of query time and fetch time. Hence the two configuration for search. Meanwhile, logging for elasticsearch index is also enable with a threshold of 500ms.

With these configuration sets, and if your indexing or search exceed that threshold,
an entry will be log into a file. The logging file should be located in path.log
that is set in elasticsearch.yml.

So what does the number really means? Excerpts from elasticsearch official documentation

The logging is done on the shard level scope, meaning the executionof a search request within a specific shard. It does not encompass the whole search request, which can be broadcast to several shards in order to execute. Some of the benefits of shard level logging is the association of the actual execution on the specific machine, compared with request level.


All settings are index level settings (and each index can have different values for it), and can be changed in runtime using the indexupdate settings API.


... and, I have tried updating the index setting via a simple tool I've made earlier on. But the idea is same, you just need to http get by putting the variable into the index setting. You can find more information here The key for the configuration is available at class.
[jason@node1 bin]$ ./ set search.slowlog.threshold.query.trace 500
"ok" : true,
"acknowledged" : true

[2013-12-23 12:31:12,758][TRACE][] [node1] [index_test][146] took[1s], took_millis[1026], types[foo,bar], stats[], search_type[QUERY_THEN_FETCH], total_shards[90], source[{"size":80,"timeout":10000,"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"query_string":{"query":"maxis*","default_operator":"and"}},"filter":{"and":{"filters":[{"query":{"match":{"site":{"query":"","type":"boolean"}}}},{"range":{"unixtimestamp":{"from":null,"to":1387825199000,"include_lower":true,"include_upper":true}}}]}}}},"filter":{"query":{"match":{"site":{"query":"","type":"boolean"}}}},"sort":[{"unixtimestamp":{"order":"desc"}}]}], extra_source[],

With this example, it has exceed the threshold set at 500ms which it ran for 1 second.

As for indexing, the fundamental concept is the same, so we won't elaborate in this article and that should leave you as a tutorial. :-)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Changing ElasticSearch logging level by updating cluster setting.

In this article, we are going to learn how to update logging for all the in the elasticsearch cluster. Because logging is crucial in understanding the system behaviour, so from time to time, change the logging level in elasticsearch via elasticsearch.yml and restart elasticsearch instance so that the logging level will be pick up. Unfortunately restart on the live production will take sometime (because of the shards recovery) and this could not be efficient.

Luckily, there is a setting in the cluster which allow the logging level to be change on the fly.

So with that, if you want to understand the what's happening in the cluster node, you can change the logging

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{
"transient" : {
"logger.cluster.service" : "DEBUG"

and tail the elasticsearch log, you should see some log started appearing. Because logging is managed by the class NodeSettingsService, so you should read into the elasticsearch package that initialized with this class. Example elasticsearch package, cluster.service, cluster.routing.allocation.allocator, indices.ttl.IndicesTTLService, etc. Note that the package prefix, org.elastic is not needed when the setting is updated.

If you want more information, this link would provide better help.