To start a new maven java project, specify groupId, artifactId and archetypeArtifacId.
start a mvn project
$ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=co.weetech -DartifactId=my-webapp -DarchetypeArtifacId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
Once you have the directory build, start to add code and then when it is time to compile, let's do it!
compile the project
$ mvn compile
Sometime you have unit test and you write your unit test in the path ./src/test and then you can run them together using this command.
test the project
$ mvn test
and if everything is compile and tested properly , you can start package them. Well, maven does that as well.
package the project
$ mvn package
the built library should be in the target directory. Finally if you want to install the package in your local directory, under home .m2, you can run the following command.
to install the package, into your home .m2 directory
$ mvn install
and if your project grows bigger and you want to edit your source code in eclipse, run the following command to generate the file descriptors.
maven eclipse
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
That's it, these should get you started and if you encountered problem, google is your friend :-D and of cause maven documentation.
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