Saturday, December 21, 2013

vifm a true gem

filemanager goes vim

  * A ncurse file manager, with vim like UI for a vim user you will feel right
at home, command like the dd delete line just like in vim, and move to other
window and type p past the line in the "clipboard" to it. And the normal move
command like the hjkl works as expected jk down/up item in list and hl
up/down directory. like in vim most settings are made in it's rc file, the
vifmrc is in ~/.vifm to get an idea about all the option you have in vifm go
to it's amazing what you can do
with vifm, if you like me has been using vim for sometime this filemanager is
a true gem. And much like vim, the options are "endless" browse on the project
homepage or at You will find the sourcecode/setup and help to make your own
setup. I often look at the config/setup on github to get idea's and mabye
improve my setup.

* On is the documentation for vifm.

* I must say after using vifm for some time, and done some github'ing made my
own vifmrc some nice filetype setting and hard-bookmarks, it's like vim the
more you use it, and add to your rc file the better and faster it get.

  * So thanks to ksteen & xaizek for this power-tool.
Don't look as much, but it is ;)

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